Keeping Focus This Holiday Season

Hey, down here! With ThanksgivingChristmas and New Years coming up, we all know how it goes–holiday parties, family gatherings and fun all around–so where does studying for your CPA exam fit into all of this? Good question. The holidays are a tough time to concentrate on your studies–so we have a list of things you can do (so you can enjoy the holidays and pass your exams!)

  • Schedule–with all the various parties and festivities going on, taking the time out to schedule study sessions will be a necessity. Keep a study calendar, planner, Google calendar–whatever! Just make sure you have times specified as study times only.
  • Prioritize–Sure, you may not want to miss out on seeing your friends, making gingerbread houses and visits to the ice rink–however, remember that studying for the exam isn’t something to slack on!
  • Get a study buddy–As the saying goes, sometimes two heads are better than one. If someone you know is also studying for the exam, it may be beneficial to put together sessions over the holidays to keep one another accountable for study time. (Just make sure you’re not inviting over non-studying friends over–save that for later!)
  • Get your ZZZs–It’s already hard enough to get your recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night, so trying to fit in your rest over the holidays (minus the post-turkey sleep) will be even more of a challenge. Skip out early on the after party–your brain will thank you!
  • Picture yourself as an (already) CPA!–This one’s extra special–keep in mind the whole reason you’re taking on the study obligations, long hours, etc–you’re on the road to a successful future as a rockin’ Certified Public Accountant, baby!

If you haven’t yet–make sure to check out all the great course options we offer and kick off the holiday season the right way–with Roger CPA Review!

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