How Smartpath Gave Me My Highest Scores on the CPA Exam

After failing with another review course provider, Greg Garcia decided to give Roger CPA Review a try. See how he passed all 4 sections and how SmartPath Predictive Technology™ played a vital role in his success.

When SmartPath went live on Roger CPA Review, I wasn’t committed to using it.

I just wanted to stick with my normal study routine and I was also on a tight deadline. I needed to pass the REG Exam before my FAR Exam expired.  Well, I end up getting a 74 on REG and my FAR exam expired. 

After this bad news, I committed myself to using SmartPath for my REG retake.  I end up passing REG on the retake with an 84 (my highest score on any of the Exams up to that point).  Then I was on to FAR (since it expired).  I definitely stuck with the SmartPath routine that I had used for REG since it yielded a positive result.  I took FAR and passed with an 89 (which replaced my 84 on REG to be my highest overall score on all the Exams).

Looking back on everything, SmartPath helped me stay more organized than I’d been in the past.

This is because you can instantly track your progress against other students who were successful on the Exam, and it also gives you a good sense of timing for moving on to new sections. 

Also, as opposed to doing random MCQs in the course and not really having a game plan on how to use the results to fix problem areas, SmartPath kept me focused on those specific sections by honing in on my weak areas that needed to be improved. 

My personal favorite is the Target Questions performance bar – sometimes you just question yourself about how many MCQs you’ve done and whether or not its enough.  Having the Target Score and Questions performance metrics just gave me more confidence going into the Exam because you know that you’ve matched other students who were successful. This gave me a greater sense of readiness for not only taking on the Exam, but actually passing it. 

My four passing scores were: 

  • BEC – 81
  • AUD – 75
  • REG – 84
  • FAR – 89

My two highest exam scores are the ones where I used SmartPath in my study routine, so I definitely attribute the SmartPath method to pushing me to achieve the best scores I had on any of the Exams.  I think that’s enough proof to show how the SmartPath learning process translates not only into passing scores, but scores that you can be proud of and will give you a lot of confidence come Exam day.

This last exam that I passed (FAR) was actually my last one so I’m officially done! Cheers to finally being a CPA! 

Pass the CPA Exam smarter, not harder.

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